
Friday, 17 May 2013

My Dictogloss

Antarctica,south pole,bottom,New Zealand
Ocean,Around,Southem Ocean

Antarctica is at the bottom of the south pole of New Zealand.
The ocean around Antarctica southem ocean.
It was the driest and coldest continent on earth.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

 * Mothers came back from one month and feed their baby's.

* The mothers feed their chicks by their beak's.

* Now it is the dad's turn to go out and find the baby's food.

* Just before the father penguins hop in the sea they see a leopard seal.

* Sadly, one penguin gets eaten by a leopard seal. 

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

this  morning I have been learning how to take core samples.We took samples from a cupcake and guessed what the core inside looked like.In real life geologists take samples of what is under the land.