
Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Holiday Highlight

Have you ever seen transformers? On Sunday we went to sylvia park to go and watched transformers 4. In the first part Rachet got caught by the humans. Lock down just came out and transformed his head into a gun and blew up Ratchet's  middle body part and Rachet died.

Katy and his worker went inside and sawed a old rusty truck and they brought the rusty truck and they hooked it into the little truck and went home. When they got home they were finding out what happened to the truck and they hear a voice of a robot talking. And what they found out was this truck was a transformer and its name was optimus prime.

Full of bad guys came to look for optimus. After that optimus came out of the barn and started shooting them and they were going to track down optimus prime but katy and her daughter went on optimus prime truck and they drove away. The place they went was the gas station. When they got there katy and his daughter and optimus  went to the auto bots place.

There was trouble on the road the humans made the white robot and the wanted to test it out on the road. First it fighted with optimus, they start fighting. Then lock down came out of his ship. He started to transform his face into a gun, then he shoted optimus primes middle of his robot body but lucky optimus  prime was still alive.